
This blog-page is designed to assist learners of all ages who are willing to unleash their potential by building English language proficiency for career fresh challenges.

October 13, 2014

New Class in Sittwe

In Sittwe Centre
new class on 03.11.2014
Mon to Thurs (4 days a week)
3 Modules (4 Skill) 

General pronunciation  (first week)
Language Points

အမွတ္ ၁၁၅  ၊ မင္းဘာၾကီးလမ္း ၊ ေက်ာင္းတက္လမ္းရပ္ကြက္၊ စစ္ေတြၿမိဳ႕ ။
ph: 09421713823, 09251037228, (043) 21992

October 12, 2014

New Class in Yangon Centre

In Yangon Centre
new class on 20.10.2014
Mon to Thurs (4 days a week)
3 Modules (4 Skill)

Three Modules are ;
General pronunciation  (first week)
Language Points
၂၀.၁၀.၂၀၁၄ ေန႔ စတင္သင္ၾကားမည္ျဖစ္ျပီး ၂၇.၁၀.၂၀၁၄ ေန႔အထိ သင္တန္းအပ္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။ ထပ္မံ သင္ယူလိုေသာေက်ာင္းသားေဟာင္းမ်ားအား Free သင္ၾကားခြင့္ေပသည္။ — at Kyauk Myaung, Yangon.

October 8, 2014

11.10.2014 ေန႔ထိ သင္တန္းအပ္ႏိုင္ ပါသည္။

၄.၁၀.၂၀၁၄ ​ေန႔ Yangon centre တြင္​စတင္​လိုက္​​ေသာ practical English course အသစ္​အား သင္​တန္​းအပ္​ရန္​ ​ေနာက္​က်ခဲ့​ေသာသူမ်ားကို ၁၁.၁၀.၂၀၁၄ ​ေန႔အထိ သင္​တန္​းအပ္​လက္​ခံ​ေပးမည္​ျဖစ္​ပါသည္.​